Cars and trucks parked for miles in all directions
Over 750 registered bidders; 1,000 people in attendance
Bidders from Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.
Thinking of hiring an auctioneer?
The more people that auctioneer can attract, the more your items will demand.
Simply put, the more bidders, the more money for you.
What do you wish to sell? Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, CAI, AARE has been in the auction business over 25 years. In that time, he has sold cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, motor homes, jewelry, pottery, silver, crystal, antique furniture, guns, business equipment, electronics, knives, tools, coins, artwork, and just about everything else.
And, as important, we know the auction business is about meeting your needs in a comprehensive manner. You may have to meet a specific deadline in regard to a real estate closing, or require a home or business be "broom clean" by a certain date. Regardless of your situation, rest assured we can assist you.
Click our highlights page for some memorable auction sales; check our references and ask your friends or neighbors about us -- chances are you'll realize allowing us to assist you is a very good decision.